Sunday, December 11, 2011

Received my DarkStar song!

 Matt sent me the first version of my "DarkStar" song yesterday. My Christmas came early! He never ceases to amaze me. Thanx Matt! :) xo

Friday, December 9, 2011

Songs are being recorded!

Got a treat last night! Matt sent me what I've been waiting for; a rough version of, Amrie and, It's In the Way We Are! I can't get enough of listening to them...even though they are just in the beginning stages. Matt's working his little hinney off to get them recorded for when he comes here in February. Thanx rock...literally!!! :)xo

Talk soon:)xo

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Anthony Cardno Interview

I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by, Anthony Cardno for his blog, "Rambling On." He has interviewed a lot of interesting people and I feel very honored that he contacted me. It's my first official interview so I am excited to have everyone read it and hope you will check it out. Would love to have some feedback on it!

Talk soon! :)xo