Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Combo Interview with Anthony Cardno

Anthony Cardno recently climbed on board our Kickstarter project and did a combo interview with Matt and I. He has interviewed both of us separately and now together.
Anthony is an awesome interviewer, supporting people from many different creative aspects and we really appreciate all the support he gives all of us. His site is called, Rambling On and you can check out our interview at this link.

Also, we only have 7 days left to reach our goal and if we don't reach it, we go back to square one. Please help us "kickstart" our project. We would really appreciate your support and want to say THANK YOU to all of those who have already pledged.

And THANK YOU, once again to our great friend, Anthony Cardno.

Talk Soon:)xo

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Mass of Confusion:)

Everyone keeps asking me when I will be finished with my second book, Wizard. I, seriously, am working hard to get it finished for all of you:)

 I didn't realize how difficult it is to write the second book of a series. When I wrote DarkStar, it just flowed. I'm not saying it was easy, because it wasn't, but I was setting up everything in the story and anything that was added in the later chapters was easily adapted into the storyline. In writing Wizard, I am realizing that each of my characters could actually have a story all their own. There are so many different avenues that I could take and so much depth that it's difficult for me to decide which direction to go. There are questions that arose in DarkStar that need to be answered and situations that need to be addressed. Wizard does that, but at the same time, creates more questions & situations, some answered, some needing to be explored in the third book, The Mysticryss. Trying to figure out the whole plot and make sure everything is covered and that there are no holes and which book will contain about confusing!!! It takes A LOT of time. Believe it or not...I can spend hours just working on one paragraph! Craziness???...maybe.

So...all I can say is that... I have a WHOLE NEW appreciation for anyone who has ever written a book! As a reader, I didn't realize just how many hours an author spends sorting through this mass of confusion that their own mind creates. Now, as an author, I just hope that, in the end, the mass of confusion that I am creating....makes sense!

Just for the record... my mass is unraveling nicely.....

Talk Soon:)xo