Tuesday, April 17, 2012


We are eternally grateful for these amazing people who stepped up, became backers for our KickStarter project and made it possible for us to meet our goal! We wish to publicly thank each and every one of them for caring enough to support us and are excited to share our ongoing venture with them!! 



 Jeannie Cox, Jack Cox, Meredith Kent, Teresa Barrera, Susan Larsen, LeeAnna Haymond, Marnie Watkins, Judy Martinez, Brittany Zabriskie, Landan Hansen, Robbie Hansen, Clinton Hansen, Shauna Kelsch, Wendy Cheney, Ron James, Claudia Lowe, Amanda Mecham, Wilma Thomas, Merlene Robertson, Steve & Natalie Cragun, Keri Merchant, Amber Keisel, Jaylene Dalley Mortensen, Diane Cox, Lynda Wintch, Suzaune Richardson, Becky Kjar, Arlene Smith, Mary Pitt, Tammy Moore, Linda Blake, Anthony Cardno, Carol King, Tammy Braithwaite Jeffs, Ginnie Rivera, Nancy Sponable, hurrihottie, Maria Aparecida de Oliveria, Robin Mileto, Sarah Cheney, Gloria Sanchez, Eva Erkinger, Anastasia, Kris Jorgensen, Helen, Teresa, Darcy McCoy, Ellen Chieco, Janelle Harper, Ric & Jeanne Frasse, Darla Anderson, Darcie Dickinson, Susan Squire, Yvette Hudson, Nicki Naylor, Beth Shugrue, Lauren, Kim Hunt, Katie Gardner, Amy Toenies, Roy Nilson, Betsy, Tewana Jackson, Sharon Cairney, Christine Arthur, Sonia, Renee Kapella Johnson, Scarlett Beaves, Maggie Haught, Erin Omwake, Emily S., Vicky Robins, Rachel Dettinger, Linda Cooper, Patrick Duffy, Kristi Wintch, Natalie Adamson.




Carol & Matt:)

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I couldn't let another day go by without thanking all of our friends, family and fans for caring enough to support, and make successful, the project Matt Lande and I had on Kickstarter. A lot of amazing people stepped up and really helped us out. We both appreciate everyone because we know that times are hard right now and the generosity shown to us is humbling. We will be keeping our backers informed how our project is going and are excited to be able to produce our books, music & videos for everyone to enjoy. We know that without such great support, it wouldn't be happening yet. Now we can move forward:)We are eternally grateful!


Talk Soon:)xo