Monday, June 4, 2012

DarkStar EP & Music Video....Who will play ALEC & AMRIE???

Thanks to all of the wonderful people who backed us on Kickstarter, Matt and I have been able to make some awesome advancements on our project!

Matt finished our 3 song DarkStar EP and I have it in hand! So exciting!! Now we're just waiting for his Welcome Home the Child CD to be finished so we can get them out to our backers before we release them to the public. I will be marketing the DarkStar EP with my novel, but will sell them separately for those of you who have already purchased my DarkStar novel. At some point, I hope in the near future, the 3 song EP will turn into a full album!! Pretty sweet! I'm working on setting up a new website so I can sell all my DarkStar stuff as well as Matt's:) I will keep you posted on that. exciting day!! I booked Matt's flight so he will be coming to Utah on July 7th to get our DarkStar music video filmed:):):) Matt and I have been talking about what we want to see happen in the video and I'm so grateful for his knowledge and expertise on the subject. He has been involved in making and being in music videos so if you haven't watched my favorite, his "Walking with Ghosts" video, I added it to this post so you can check it out! Love, love it!:)

We hired a cinematographer from Park City, Utah to do our video. He is currently reading DarkStar and he and I will be going to Logan on June 16th to scout out the areas I want the video filmed and spend the day hashing out what we will do. Then the three of us will make the final decision as to what will take place.

I'm excited to announce that Hayley King graciously accepted the opportunity to play Amrie in the video along side, none other than the amazing Matt Alec! I am so excited to have these two play my main characters:):):):) Since we haven't decided on which scenes we want to use from DarkStar, I don't know if we will be adding other characters from my book, but I hope too.

I really hope that you all have read DarkStar and if not, will. You will be able to relate to the music and the music video through the words in my book. Matt and I called our Kickstarter project, Magic...when word and song collide...and that's just what is word and his song!!

 Click on the "JOIN THIS SITE" button on this page and you will receive all my posts to follow our amazing venture:)

For those asking, buy my book at  or e-book at   The DarkStar EP will be available soon:)

Talk soon:)xo

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